Superintendent - John Hill
Asst. Superintendent - Tiffany Setzer
Student Services Coordinator - Lisa Vaughn
Special Education Director - Christal Chastain
Asst. Special Education Director - Michael Perry
Athletic Director - Mandy Hunter
Facilities Director - Mike Patton
Finance Director - Karen Bundy
School Nutrition Director - Heather Miller
Technology Director - Bill Driskell
Transportation Director - Kody Owenby
Title II of Americans with Disabilities Act - Tiffany Setzer
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act - Tiffany Setzer
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act - Michael Perry
Title IX, Sexual Harassment - Tiffany Setzer
Title IX, Gender Equity in Sports - Mandy Hunter
Open Records Officer - Dr. David Murphy
124 Hughes Street
Blairsville, GA 30512